Passeggiata alla Vucciria Op. 82

I wrote this piece after a visit to the Vucciria Market, dazzling with colors and vivid with sounds and scents. The synaesthetic sensation of this walk inspired me a song full of joy and light; the listener will be able to feel transported into this lively and typical...

I Pupi… (marionette di legno e marionette in carne ed ossa) Op. 80

The music I wrote, reveals the sarcasm and bitterness that pervade me when in certain situations, you notice the attitudes of men, who do not possess a strong personality or great moral and intellectual values, show that they do not have a autonomy of thought and seem...

Mare Rosso (per le vittime del mare) Op. 79

Too often, the stories of that part of humanity forced to emigrate in search of a corner of the world that can give them a better hope of life reach our ears. On the island of Lampedusa, we often witness these situations. All this does not leave me indifferent: my...

The Sky of Love Op. 78

I wrote this passage to dedicate it to Blessed Carlo Acutis, a wonderful young man who lived his short life always turning his whole being to God, especially to the evangelization of young people, to charity towards the needy and to teaching the preciousness of the...


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