The path I went through.

I love playing and composing, it’s the very expression of my own self, I was born to do it.

I was born in 1970 and I started studying piano at eight with my beloved uncle, who had already envisaged in me a strong musical disposition. But the real fateful day was a magical Sunday when I was sitting at the table for dinner and I was intently listening to the Italian radio broadcast “Momenti musicali” (Musical Moments); Franz Liszt’s Transcendental Étude No. 2 was playing. The memory of that moment is still vivid in my mind. I felt I could see all my being, my world: music had chosen me. From that first sound impact, I decided to devote my life to piano and I voraciously absorbed every technical, poetical and interpretative aspect of this instrument. I graduated with honours at the “Vincenzo Bellini” Music Academy in Palermo and I improved my skills with M° Piero Rattalino and M° Boris Petrushansky. I explored as much repertoire as possible, from great composers’ works to contemporary music. I was born in a musical family so I grew up surrounded by music and scores; I could refer to our rich home musical library and satisfy my thirst for knowledge. This gave me the opportunity to rediscover minor authors (C. Tausig, L. Godowsky, P. Pabst, N. Roslavets) and to divulge their compositions, often revealing rare gems that allowed me to prove my virtuoso interpretative talent. I precociously showed an unrestrainable urge towards composition, aroused by a compelling need to translate the intimate emotions and feelings in my soul through my adored piano, and being simultaneously modelled by music. This was my “Divine Turning-Point”, the gift life has made me. Music has a high spiritual meaning to me and I always try to convey it to the listener. I regard myself as a scribe, since I translate into notes what God inspires me; the music I compose connects me directly to God, fostering my spirituality and bolstering my flashes of inspiration. I had the honour of studying composition with M° Eliodoro Sollima, one of the most representative authors of the XX century. He envisaged in me an uncommon musical talent and he showed a particular interest in my education, considering me as his protégé, to my astonishment and admiration. I remember that, during the rendition of one of his orchestral composition, I remarked that his work would be wonderful on the piano. After a while, M° Sollima phoned me late at night to tell me that he had transcribed his composition for piano and that he had dedicated it to me. I love nature and in particular the autumn sea: its changing colours and the waves vibrations transformed into sounds help me to meditate, carrying me to endless spaces full of supernatural silences. Meditation, as much as praying, plays a crucial role in my life. My leitmotif is love; passion, complete dedication. I draw inspiration from everyday life, from everything around me, such as long contemplative walks, readings, but in particular from the love that I feel for my “Lovely Muse”. My composition style is late Romantic, where dissonances and other typical features of contemporary language become sweet and passionate consonances characterised by incisiveness and vigour, full of colours and virtuoso passages alternating descriptive moments that throb with emotions, in order to carry the listeners to metaphysical, contemplative dimensions.

“My art reveals my soul, and my soul reveals God”.
Antonio Trovato


Concept & art direction: Tiziana Tentoni
Photo shooting: Alberto Mantegna
Website: Ecograph

Concept & art direction: Tiziana Tentoni
Photo shooting: Alberto Mantegna
Website: Ecograph


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