Too often, the stories of that part of humanity forced to emigrate in search of a corner of the world that can give them a better hope of life reach our ears. On the island of Lampedusa, we often witness these situations. All this does not leave me indifferent: my sensitivity leads me to express these issues through my art. The song I wrote begins with a rarefied atmosphere that symbolizes the mood of these people without a goal, in search of security for life. It then flows into a bloody and dramatic episode that portends the terror these people feel for a dangerous future, where their lives hang by a thread. Inside me I felt the need to end the piece with an atmosphere of sweetness, of calm, to express the optimism and hope for the success of the enterprise of these migrants. The caption that I add in the last part of the passage is significant: “The ways of the Lord are infinite” so that the red sea with which the passage begins, gives way to a blue sea full of hope.


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