Ombre Fuggenti Op. 87

Listening to the news and observing closely the realities of the many poor people who roam our cities, without a roof, without a perspective, without a self, they seem to me so many shadows that appear and disappear without leaving a real trace, if not in our hearts ....

Luci di Sicilia Op. 86

This is the passage in which I intended to collect all my thoughts and affection for my land. It is a casket full of lights, where the essential is revealed, where the sweetness and sweet beauty of Sicily is so great that it covers every other shadow and every other...

Bulli e Pupe a Mondello Op. 85

This song was inspired by a funny episode during a day at the beach. Lying on my bed, I witnessed the classic and predictable “Mise en scène” of the gymnast macio, who flaunting very predictable attitudes, struts in front of a beautiful woman. This thing...

Visioni Dantesche Op. 84

I wrote this piece on the occasion of the seven hundredth anniversary of Dante’s death, to pay a tribute to the genius, to the giant of Italian literature. His masterpiece, “The Divine Comedy” fascinated me a lot. I let myself be transported with...

La Vergine Annunciata di Antonello Da Messina. Una preghiera Op. 83

This enormous masterpiece of Sicilian painting has always enchanted me for the intense and very sweet expression of the face and hands of the Virgin, who, finding herself in front of the angel’s announcement, expressed the total yes of her. This attitude aroused...


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