L’Arcobaleno Op. 59

“The Rainbow” Op. 59 –  On a leaden-sky downpour day, I found myself in a XVIII century building for a concert. I was staring at the piano and I didn’t realize it had stopped raining, but out of the corner of my eye I saw a blaze of colours. The vision of a wonderful...

Cinque variazioni Op. 58 sul “Poema leggendario” Op. 7 n. 5

“Five variations Op. 58  on Legendary Poem Op. 7 n. 5″   After many years from the composition of “Poema Leggendario Op. 7 n. 5” consisting of twelve variations, inspiration brought me back to that theme, so I added these other variations, full of impressive...

Il viandante smarrito Op. 56

“The Lost Wanderer” Op. 56 –  The experience of a dear friend who came back from a long journey inspired me to write this piece. The sad mood that his words aroused in me led me to write some pages full of compassion, as well as other pages which express ever-winning...


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