Sonata Sublime A Patrizia Op. 66

“Sublime Sonata for Patrizia” Op. 66 –  The third of three sonatas entitled and dedicated to the woman I love is the expression of utmost tenderness and deep lyricism; this music is pervaded by passionate, vigorous melodies and, at the same time, the softness of...

Revelations Op. 65

I’m a highly sensitive person, and sometimes this leads me to insights that eventually come true in my life. This composition originates from my inner revelations, feelings I wanted to translate into...

Sonata Romantica A Patrizia Op. 64

“Romantic Sonata for Patrizia” Op. 64 –  The second of the three sonatas entitled and dedicated to my beloved is distinguished by a mostly orchestral writing that conveys my inner joy in sharing my life with her and the full meaning of love through...

Movimento Infinito Dell’Universo Op. 63

“Endless Movement of the Universe” Op. 63 –  Everything moves. The universe drags us into its rhythms and it entangles us with its magnificence and perfection. It sweeps us away until we become one with it, with our own self, with God. Its movement unites us and it...

Sonata “A Patrizia” Op. 62

“Sonata for Patrizia” Op. 62 –  This is the first of the three sonatas entitled and dedicated to Patrizia. I was urged to put into music the vibrant emotions filling my heart, my soul and my mind for the overwhelming love I feel for her, my soulmate. This composition...


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