My agenda

18 August 2023 | 19:00 Recital Chiostro Palazzo Steri, Festival Palermo Classica June 02, 2023 | 10:30 a.m.Conferring the honor of Knight of the Order “Al Merito della Repubblica Italiana,” Teatro Politeama Garibaldi, Palermo. 19 October 2022 | 21:00...

Friends & Music

Giovanni Sollima:Through his music, Antonio restores a great tradition and the role of the virtuoso composer, with courage and personality. His harmonic and melodic wealth, his passionate works, his vertiginous pianism performed by his own hands re-establish the bonds...

Sonata Op. 68 “Metamorfosi”

“Metamorphosis” op.68 –  My first idea was to write simply a concert study. But in the making of my suggestions and inspirations, the flows of ideas that came to my mind were so many-sided and abrupt that they led me to different paths, as if I only had to grasp...

“Echi dell’Anima” Tema e Variazioni Op. 67

“Soul echoes” Theme and Variations Op. 67 –  Beholding the endless spaces that disclose to my eyes during a walk in the mountains, listening to the silence only interrupted by the birds’ delicate flight, some sounds raised their voice inside my soul and led me to a...


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